“1Q84” by Haruki Murakami


“1Q84” is a novel by the renowned Japanese author Haruki Murakami. The story follows the lives of two individuals, Aomame and Tengo, whose lives are intertwined in a world that is not quite the same as the one they used to know. Their journey makes the reader question the nature of reality and what it means to exist in a world where everything is not what it seems.


The novel begins with Aomame, a fitness trainer and assassin for an underground organization. She is on her way to assassinate a man, but finds herself in a different world when she leaves the cab. The year is 1984, but things are not the same – it is 1Q84. She soon realizes that she has entered a world that is different from the one she left behind.

Tengo, a math teacher and aspiring writer, is chosen by his editor to rewrite a manuscript for a young girl named Fuka-Eri. As the manuscript progresses, Tengo realizes that the story is not fictional, but a reality that has been written down. This realization sets off a chain of events that leads to a hunt for Fuka-Eri and uncovering the truth about the parallel world of 1Q84.

Writing Style

Murakami’s writing style is mature, descriptive and engaging. The book is skillfully translated from Japanese to English, and the author does an excellent job of describing the alternate realities in 1Q84. The story is written in the third person, and the narration shifts between Aomame and Tengo.

Final Thoughts

“1Q84” is a novel that will leave you questioning the nature of reality and the human experience. The characters in the book are well-developed, and the story is captivating. Murakami’s writing is skillful and engaging, making for an enjoyable read. The only downside to the book is the length, clocking in at over 900 pages, it can be quite daunting. However, if you are looking for a thought-provoking read, “1Q84” is definitely worth your time.

Overall Rating: 9/10







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